No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he’d only had good intentions–he had money as well. 

January 20th, 2020

Who Pays On A Date?

After all you want her, while on a date, is to be able to relax and enjoy her time with you. And that will be difficult if she’s worried about the money she’s spending.



August 2nd, 2019

It Is Very Normal To Fart During Sex

It’s totally OK and normal for her to fart in the course of sex. That’s a lot of boning, and when you consider that the average person farts about 14 times a day, (that’s once every 1.7 hours) and sex lasts (generously) 30 minutes with foreplay, the odds


Life & Relationships

August 14th, 2019

Are Engagement Rings Necessary?

The ring is not a symbol of love, but of work. Love is behavior, and it takes a mature man to go through the process of procuring an engagement ring, whether by saving enough to buy a jet ski or seeking out a modest gift that blows his fiance’s mind.



July 6th, 2019

Marry Or Date For Purpose, Not Love

In all honesty, if you really think about it, love is a luxury. This is why those with fewer financial resources have lower marriage rates: If you're worried about your survival or safety, you're not going to be focusing on finding the man or woman of you

