Of Covid-19 Stupidity

May 2nd, 2020 / Hillary K Bainny
| Many aren't respecting health guidelines

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In my cheap studio apartment located in the outskirts of Kampala, I have used this time of forced leave to marvel at the extents of human stupidity. Hillary’s timely revamp of this website has provided a much needed opportunity to pen my thoughts about the full extent of what I regard as human senselessness.

This lockdown has gone further to lend credence to the very notion of human stupidity.

Take the example of some fools who still make time to go to speakeasy bars to quaff a few beers. These chaps fire up their car engines and drive for more than 20 kilometres just to drink. Against all public health cries of social distancing and staying home, these guys feel like they’re bad guys. They feel like they’re hard guys. A close look at their age and status goes to show stupidity is no chooser of age or wealth. 

We could also look at the time, folks from Kiwatule used to jog around in droves. These chaos felt like the orders that were imposed never applied on them. For some reason, they felt they had some kind of special status. Religious leaders were initially arrested for defying orders against conducting church services. Unconventionality in times such as these is just stupidity.

I have also seen a number of webinar series on COVID-19. Being the opinionated lot that we are, we should ideally be forgiven for attempting to talk about COVID-19. Granted people are convening webinars about the impact of COVID-19 on businesses, politics, human rights et cetera but why hasn’t anyone taken time to discuss how people have become more stupid since the emergence of the pandemic? I know I would convene one but who would be willing to attend a 2 hour session while I stung them about the stupid things they’re doing during this time?

I wouldn’t mind if Members of Parliament attended my webinar series and learnt a thing about how stupid they’re being. Perhaps they do not realise it. Maybe they do not understand how immoral not just stupid it is, to steal, at a time such as this. We’re perfectly fine with you stealing but when you steal when the majority of the population can no longer go out to hunt for their supper is to do a bit much, don’t you think? It’s their defence of the money that just makes them look more stupid. 

As part of my series, I could perhaps invite that Agago District Police Commander who allowed a group of businessmen to throw a party. We could ask him for the reasons he did that and just sit back and shake our heads at the stupidity of it all. Also, we could request our beloved muntu wawansi activists on Twitter who lambast the middle class for being able to afford food like anyone should be condemned for being able to afford a decent life. We could question them on why they’re able to buy data to tweet about those able to stock up enough food for their families.

Perhaps we should invite too our dearly beloved WhatsApp and Twitter journalists who take it upon themselves to post and tweet about what the president says during those gruelling 3 hour addresses. We could thank them for their initiative and question them on whether their updates are solicited by the poor folk who cannot afford to buy television or radio sets. 

I propose that we add the people close to the president. The ones who failed to advise him that laughing at gender based violence does not make it funny. In this same bracket, we could add those hopeless souls who have always asked “What do you want our president to do about this violence?” On the call, we shall ask them whether there was a significant reduction in LDU imposed violence right after he called them pigs. 

In addition, we could invite the righteous Tanzanian president John Pombe Magufuli who throw all caution to the wind and decided to turn to God when neighbouring were thrown into a panic when the first case was reported in this part of the world.

If you took time to count, you’d realise that a huge number would fall into this category. (You inclusive perhaps)

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