Is Job Security A Reality In Uganda?

May 2nd, 2019 / Shawn Davis Kawalya
| At crossroads

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Many young people get out of university with very good grades, only to spend another couple of years trying to get a decent job. In a country regarded as the second youngest in the world, this is not what you would expect.

According to Trading Economics, the employment Rate in Uganda decreased to 47.80 percent in 2012 from 88.30 percent in 2009. Employment Rate in Uganda averaged 73.33 percent from 2002 until 2012, reaching an all time high of 88.30 percent in 2009 and a record low of 47.80 percent in 2012.

These statistics are often shouldered on lack of creativity and innovation that is blamed on the poor education model that Uganda runs on. Many scholars have come out to say that most Ugandan youth are voluntarily unemployed.

Well as that has a grain of salt in it, it is not entirely true. Employment in Uganda is not a straight arrow, and neither is it a bent one - it just isn’t absolute.

For many Ugandans, the pretence, and unavailability of job security in the job market, be it white collar or blue collar, is the reason so many young people are unemployed and others crowded with tonnes of debts.

Except for those working in the public sector, since it is lightly regulated, many in the private sector will swear to you that they always go to work praying that, it’s not their last day there.

Since there is no profit and loss bottom line for the public service because its purposes are different, job security is to a certain extent existent. However, in the private sector, it is not guaranteed regardless of any contracts signed.

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