How Much Do You Know About Orgasms

July 8th, 2019 / Hillary K Bainny
| There is lots of myths about orgasms

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You may have taken some sex education classes in school, or had honest locker room talk with your peer, but here’s a dirty secret: When it comes to human sexual anatomy, the wellspring of civilization: there’s a shocking amount of information that people don’t know. Not just us, millennials, even our parents!!

Part of this is practical: Sex is really hard to study. But much of the problem is also cultural. For in our societies, Sex Talk is a non-starter, clear to say, considered a taboo.

As a result of this, we humans don’t know our bodies as well as we think. So we decided to own up to our ignorance & take it one step further: We’re a dude delving into the depths of the vagina and a lady sizing up the science of the penis. There’s a research team of Italy that recently published that the female vaginal orgasm is a myth, because the G-spot doesn’t exist. Which has problems on so many levels.

The chief being, of course, that the female vaginal orgasm is a myth. Even if the G-spot isn’t technically a “spot”: in the way that, say, the clitoris sort of is, plenty of research has shown that stimulation of that results in a deeply felt, full-body orgasm.

Science suggests it’s harder to achieve than, say, a clitoral orgasm, which is enjoyed more locally. Many females think male orgasms aren’t as controversial because they’re as simple as "white stuff."

However, there’s a lot more to male orgasm. First of all, “the white stuff," that's ejaculation, but ejaculation and orgasm are two totally different things. The orgasm goes on in your brain. Ejaculation, on the other hand, is controlled at the level of the spinal cord. It’s like a reflex.

Even if your brain can’t communicate with your penis, like in men with spinal cord injuries - you can still ejaculate. Once you’re aroused enough, your body reaches the point of no return and has no choice but to shoot out semen.

So ejaculation and orgasm in men are distinct.

It’s actually not so different in women. Female ejaculation is real. In addition to clitoral orgasms being real, female ejaculation is real (and distinct) as well, according to most mainstream sex researchers. For now, most sex researchers agree that squirting and ejaculation are distinct events.

By the way, female ejaculation is not and I repeat, not the same thing as the phenomenon known as “squirting” or “gushing,” whereby the woman...well, I think the words speak for themselves... ????

There’s this idea, I’m guessing due to porn, that “squirting” is the ultimate expression of a woman’s pleasure, but there’s really no evidence to back that up. For now, most sex researchers agree that squirting and ejaculation are distinct events.

Squirting is mostly pee, with trace amounts of prostatic secretions. In a recent study, French doctors showed that a squirting woman’s bladder fills up during sex and then gushes out (of the urethra) during orgasm. Of course, they only studied seven women, and all of them reported “massive emissions” to begin with, so it’s possible that they’re all just incontinent during sex.

Female ejaculation on the other hand is, biochemically, much more complex. For instance, it’s been shown to contain sweet-tasting sugar molecules! Contrary to what many believe, that squirting only happens when the G-spot is stimulated during penetration, many women will testify, orgasm doesn’t always lead to squirting.

I, though, believe that  every woman is capable of squirting. Orgasm is simply the moment of climax. Lastly, not all women squirt when they orgasm.

There are three major types of female orgasm: clitoral, vaginal, and blended.

The clitoral orgasm is the most common. 75% of women need clitoral stimulation to reach orgasm. Vaginal orgasm means that a woman can reach orgasm without clitoral stimulation. Most often this is through vaginal penetration. The latest research, however, suggests that vaginal orgasm is nothing but a myth since the vagina itself is anatomically incapable of producing an orgasm.

The researchers say that, worldwide, the majority of women do not orgasm during intercourse: "Female sexual dysfunctions are popular because they are based on something that does not exist; the vaginal orgasm." The "inner clitoris" suggested by some researchers does not exist. The entire clitoris is an external organ, composed of the glans, body and root.

There is no scientific basis for the existence of the G-spot, although it has become the centre of a "multimillion-dollar business"; for example, through surgical procedures that claim to help "enhance" the G-spot.

The female erectile tissue responsible for orgasms is composed of the clitoris and its vestibular bulbs, the pars intermedia, labia minora and corpus spongiosum (of the female urethra). The researchers say that this, corresponds to the penis in men and can be called the "female penis".

Women describe the most pleasurable experiences to involve a combination of vaginal and clitoral orgasm. Also included in the list is the “multiple” variety: when the woman experiences several orgasms in a row within a short time.

Stimulating the sex organs is the most popular, but not the only way to reach an orgasm. Some adult women orgasm, for example, by their nipples being rubbed. It has been proven that in this case, the same brain area is aroused. One can experience orgasm while sleeping, having one’s hair cut, performing physical exercise, listening to music, watching racy movies, or even just by the power of thought!

However, it should be noted that such methods are more of an exception rather than a rule. Don't read too much into this. Only a small percentage of women are able to do it, and this is dependent on the emotional state and physiological characteristics of the woman.

According to studies, a woman will experience her most intense orgasm only by the time she’s 35. It is believed that at this age, she has sufficient self-knowledge, confidence, and sexual experience. That is everything needed for maximum pleasure during sex.

That's why thirty-year-old women have more frequent and vivid orgasms than younger people. However, sensations do not end there. Studies show that with the age gap, the sexual life of women becomes less intense but more sensual.

Contrary to stereotypes, the strongest orgasms come after menopause. This is associated with the desire to live for one’s self, without inhibition or fear of unwanted pregnancy.

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    Mwiru July 9th, 2019

    Does this take into account orgasms in the LGBT community!